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Would you ever pimp out your pickup with a paint job?


New Member
I have a 1980 Toyota 4x4 that I beat the crap out of during it's day. The exterior is fine, but every time I try to take it off road something ends up going wrong and I have to get it towed. I am going to retire it from offroad fun, and treat it strictly as a road vehicle.

Here's the thing. I have a lot of free time, and I love doing custom paint work. I'm actually somewhat of a struggling artist by profession.

I know it would be pretty lame to add flames or something else to my pickup, but I think it would be fun anyway. I'm a pretty weird person, and I would kind of enjoy the attention I would get by pimping out the paint job on a beat up old pickup truck.

What do you guys think? Should I go ahead and do it? The way I see it... why not?


New Member
I've always enjoyed people putting cheesy paintjobs on beater vehicles. I had a friend with an old beater chevy s10 that he spray painted to be camoflauge. However; it turned out really horrible looking, but he was proud of it and showed it off as much as he could, lol.


New Member
Wait. Do you plan to paint flames on it?
Maybe, lol. I really have a lot of free time. My main motivation is to turn heads and have people think, "what in god's name would possess someone to do something that stupid." lol.


New Member
100 Posts
I am not a fan of the flames, but putting unqiue paint jobs on trucks is cool. I think if I had the extra money and I was planning on keeping the truck forever I would do it. But the truck I have know, I am not keeping it for very long. So, no use in putting a paint job on it.


New Member
100 Posts
I think that's an awesome idea. I saw a big pickup truck a few months ago on the road that was painted like an American flag. I also saw a picture on the internet the other day of a truck that had a picture of the truck painted on the tailgate. I think that would be hilarious!


New Member
I think that a custom paint job, if done right, could look pretty good. However, I wouldn't go for anything as cheesy as flames.

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