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Attention Toyota Owning Green Thumbs ...


Toyota Truck Club Founder
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1000 Posts
So we just put out a quarter-pallet of sod to cover up some bare spots and we added some dirt to level the lot out a bit as well. Thought I would ask some of your Toyota owners who know a thing or two about sod and high temps. Anyone?

Here's the story. I got the sod on Saturday, it's been really hot in Dallas-Fort Worth, but i've been watering it like crazy. The sod that was placed in partially shaded areas has kept it's color and in fact is a deep and rich green color. Perfect!

Just an example of how it looks, this is not my sod.

However, some of the places where the sod went down was out in the open and while it did get watered in for maybe 15-20 minutes each day since it went down ... most of that has turned brown, and those pieces area really starting to dry out.

Another example pic, but this is what my sod has started to do ... in just two days!

I picked up those pieces and moved the to shaded areas so I can make certain they're going to get hydrated and all that jazz, but we've got high temps that are going to range from 101 to 108 over the next week or so, and the city is ramping up patrols from the water district trying to catch people who water between 10am and 6pm, which is not allowed, so i've got to water-water-water in the afternoon, evening and early morning only.

So, the question is ... will this sod come back? If it will, I would actually like to get some more of it because all of the big-box stores have said they've stopped carrying it for the year and the sod place is starting to discount it all.

I've got enough open area that is covered by shade where I can keep rotating the sod around too. So, I could get maybe a full pallet (and I live on about a 1/4 acre corner lot so there's a moderate amount of open space left to cover) and put it all in shaded areas and then once I know it's going to survive (and before the roots set in) I can move it to the bare dirt area and see how it goes.
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One problem with rotating the sod is the main idea is for sod to take root and draw water and nutrients from the ground below. It cant do that if you keep moving it.
Most sod is highly fertilized prior to being cut and palletized, so after being layed you will get some color changes as the fertilizer wears off.
And most times when the weather cools if properly watered and fertilized sod will come back.
My neighbor had a similiar problem last year, he solved it by suspending tarps over the real sunny areas to shade them during the worst of the days heat.


Toyota Truck Club Founder
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I'll be home soon and hopefully most of the sod took and the roots have set into the soil.


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Hmm, I feel cheated, never got to see the pic.
Weather is going to start cooling soon, warm days, cool nights, partial sun, and quality fertilizer are a grass's best friend.
Keep in mind not just any fertilizer is good, it needs to be tailored some to your existing soil quality as far as nitrogen levels etc.
As a kid the only fertilizer my dad ever used was processed manure, we always had the greenest lawn on the street, a truck load of cow crap spread over the lawn every spring and every fall.
Nobody fertilizes that way now days.


Toyota Truck Club Founder
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Mobile connections not wanting to add pics. I'll get them added shortly.


Toyota Truck Club Founder
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1000 Posts
Here's before we went to Colorado ... (I moved the brown pieces out of the direct sun and into some shade near the side of the house under a tree. It was late when we got back in, i've not seen the sod in the daytime yet).


I'll add pics from today in a little bit


New Member
Once the growth starts, shade actually causes grass to grow more. Not sure why, I failed science in school. lol

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