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Are Truck Drivers Really More Aggressive?


New Member
It seems like many truck drivers like to tailgate and pass on the left. Is that my imagination or do you do that too?


Toyota Truck Club Founder
Staff member
1000 Posts
Sometimes if you get the"cowboy" type that can happen. Most though are just working guys who take their jobs seriously. I guess it's a mixed bag actually.


New Member
What type of truck driver are we talking about? Regular pickups or are we talking about larger 4x4s or are maybe semi trucks?


New Member
There will always be people that think they own the road no matter what they drive be it truck or car. I have to say I kinda like a aggressive truck driver if its a man :)


Staff member
1000 Posts
Community Leader
As a Bobtail truck driver (33' box) I can explain some this for you.

Big trucks as you may know dont drive like your car, when going up hills if you dont pick-up speed before the hill many time you wont be able to maintain legal speed before you reach the top, many times you'll have to down shift which slows you even more.

Most drivers on the road see a big truck and their first reaction even if their driving slower is not to get stuck behind the big truck, so they jump in front of it, many times even cutting the truck off if they have to then continue driving slow, they never give a second though to the fact that everytime their slowing down it takes that truck a much longer distance to slow.

Many drivers, again with the "I dont want to be behind the big truck" attitude like to jump in front of a big truck even if there isnt enough safe space between the truck and whatever vehicle it may be following.

Many other drivers tend to wait to change lanes until after they've passed a big truck, I see drivers every day that try to zip in front of my truck only to immediately exit the freeway, all because they dont plan ahead and have that fear of being behind the big truck getting off the freeway.

Basically many of the complaints other drivers have about big trucks are precipitated by the driving habit of others on the road.

I can tell you personally after having so many other drivers jump in and cut me off because I'm in a big truck and almost/or cause me to get rear ended I dont give them the chance any more, I refuse to slow for idiots like that, since I adopted that attitude I've gotten in 5 accidents that were deemed the other drivers fault and no accidents deemed my fault. If you want respect on the road give it to the other driver, otherwise be prapared to pay higher Ins. premiums and have to get your car repaired.

Big trucks do not drive like your car and you need to respect that fact or get run over!!!


1000 Posts
Yeah, have to be careful when cutting in front of a truck, they can't stop. Granted they can generally see father and have a better view of what's going on, but they need room and you need to be in their mirrors. Getting slammed into isn't worth the 3 minutes you're going to "save" by cutting them off and trying to get ahead on your morning commute.


New Member
100 Posts
I think truck drivers just have more confidence. Trucks are bigger and in cases of accidents, they have bigger chances of survival as compared to cars.


New Member
Agressive in terms of what? LOL! Truck drivers are aggressive.. be it in driving.. or even in bed. Try me!


New Member
100 Posts
In my opinio its more of the younger truck crowd that does that trying to be cool
This! 100% this. I don't know many other truck drivers who act this way besides the young ones. They get a big truck and think they're king of the road. More level-headed truck drivers know how powerful their trucks can get and don't want to wreck them/hurt others so they're more responsible.


New Member
I don't do that... Okay, to be honest, I do that sometimes. But only when I feel like the other drivers are acting cocky. Most of the time I'm a well-disciplined driver.


1000 Posts
I think truck drivers just have more confidence. Trucks are bigger and in cases of accidents, they have bigger chances of survival as compared to cars.
Nice truck have higher rating of security, I will inform my brother to swap his vios into truck hehe

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