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Best way to increase fuel economy on Toyota trucks?


New Member
100 Posts
Gas prices aren't going to go down any time soon, so what is the best way to stretch the mileage on your Toyota? Has anyone made any modifications with this stuff in mind, and if so how much did you increase your mileage by?


New Member
100 Posts
Gas prices aren't going to go down any time soon, so what is the best way to stretch the mileage on your Toyota? Has anyone made any modifications with this stuff in mind, and if so how much did you increase your mileage by?
You should have considered this even before buying your Toyota truck. Everyone knows a truck is a gas guzzler. One should have bought a mini-car if its fuel efficiency that he's looking for.


New Member
Yep. Toyota trucks are proper gas guzzlers. However, you can still drive economically and increase your mpg. If you driving on the highway, reach your target speed as fast as possible, change to a higher gear and stay there. It won't help much, though. I've been actually thinking about getting something smaller and more economical as a second car.


New Member
Watch your RPMs. Try to stick to a gear that allows you to maintain your speed, but run at as low RPMs as possible. Also, coast into stops as much as you can rather than applying your brakes to slow you down. And don't speed up knowing you're going to have to slow down eventually. Giving other vehicles in front of you more space allows you to manage your speed and driving more effectively as well. Don't tailgate people. :)


New Member
100 Posts
These are great tips! I totally do the coasting and I know that helps with tons of gas saving. I've been doing that for a while and I can go three or four days without needing to stop for gas. If my Mother uses my truck and just drives down the road and she uses all the gas because she doesn't coast and hits the brakes all the time.


1000 Posts
Get the most from every liter of your fuel

The surest way to improve our rising fuel cost problem is to change our motoring habits. Listed below are practical and effective methods of doing so... no need to buy expensive add-on equipment.

Engine Warm Up

Avoid prolonged engine warm-up, even on cold mornings -30 to 45 seconds is plenty of time as today's modern cars are designed to be driven almost immediately.

Don't start and stop the engine needlessly. Letting your engine idle for one minute consumes the gas amount equivalent to when you start the engine.

Avoid "revving" the engine, especially just before you switch the engine off; as this only waste fuel

Eliminate jack-rabbit starts. Accelerate slowly when starting from dead stop. Try to accelerate gently.

Filling Up the Tank

Buy gasoline during the coolest time of day - early morning or late evening is best. During these time gasoline is densest. Keep in mind - gas pumps measure volumes of gasoline, not densities of fuel concentrated. You are charged according to "volume of measurement".

Avoid filling the gas tank to its fullest. Overfilling will only result in fuel sloshing over and out of the tanks

It's best to purchase gas from a station that is busy. Gas that sits in tanks for long periods can get
contaminated and can lower effectiveness

If you car uses regular gas don't waste money on buying premium. You won't get any better mileage or performance you'll just be wasting extra money. Check your owners manual to see if engine does not need premium.

This is what I have learn and apply in many year of working in different automotive company, and Also consider choosing or buying more fuel-efficient vehicles for everyday use.

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