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Townhall with senator John Cornyn


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The townhall lasted an hour and I got contact information for his office and I can call in with more questions, comments, etc.

  • Reopening. Senator Cornyn said that each state needs to act on their own with counsel from the federal government, etc. He didn't give a specific date for when things will "reopen" but said it's more likely weeks and when it does we'll see more of the social distancing that we've been seeing for those places that are still open.
  • Specific Rules. For the specifics for getting rules on what the money can be spent on, what it can't be spent on, etc, he suggested that you call the local Small Business Development Center and they can answer these questions. In fact, I might try to give them a call today. Looks like Tarrant county (where I live) has one, I'm guessing that each state has their own rules on how these are established.
  • Testing. Lot of questions on testing, etc. He hopes there will be testing for C19, testing for the antibodies, meds to keep the cytokine storm from shutting down people's lungs, vaccines, etc.
  • Civil Liberties & Constitutional Rights. Several questions on constitutional rights, etc. Pretty much the answer you would expect. Trying to not overstep but federal government has a responsibility to stop the spread of the virus, etc.
  • CHINA! Wow, he really went after China. He said very emphatically that China will have to be held accountable for not keeping this virus kept up. That was very interesting, he was loud and clear when he said it and the specific question on China being held financially responsible. It's interesting that when I went to Fox News today they had two main stories about this whole virus was a lab experiment that got out of Wuhan labs. They're setting up the story to blame China.


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What a freakin' mess this whole thing has turned into. Lies and deceit from both China and our own government. Don't know that much of anything I see in the media can be trusted, and I've decided that the wife and I must practice social distancing AND wear masks indefinitely--until there is a good vaccine.

Testing is the key to the re-opening of our economy,, yet very little testing has been done up to now, and there is not enough testing capability. This REALLY needs to change!

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