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Power Issues w/ 4.6L V8 - Toyota Tundra Questions & Engine Upgrades


New Member
This goes out to the 4.6l V8 owners. Wifey made me sell the 5.7 Sequoia bc its too big for her to handle in bad weather. We love toyo trucks so we tried the forerunner limited and the power/transmission combo was deflating. In addition I do pull trailers on occasion for ATVing. We bought the Lexus GX460. Drunk with the power of the 5.7 my wife commented about the power.

Has anyone out there tried the cold air intake products on the 4.6. If so does it help or is it just the transmission setup? Don't want to spend 500$ if it makes little difference.


Toyota Truck Club Founder
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1000 Posts
I understand about the wife and the 5.7. I lost a contact lens the other day and the wife drove my 5.7L truck home. She calls it my "baby" ... "Don't worry, I won't hurt your baby." She said she wants a truck now, but not sure about all of the power from the 5.7.

I have driven the 4.6 before, but I do not have the ability to speak on the nature of the upgrading to get extra performance from it. I'm not sure actually what it does and you would want to get it tuned to match whatever you add to it.

Are you looking at a new-ish 4.6 Tundra to replace your 5.7 and you want to boost the power of the 4.6 to make up some of the big HP difference?


Our back yard
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I've had a 2001 Tundra, and a 2008 Lexus GX470. Both had the 4.7L V8 with plenty of power for me. Haven't driven anything with the 4.6L, but unless it has been de-tuned for more smog control or something, it "should" be similar to the 4.7L.

Cold air intake will only add about 8 HP (on a 5.7, maybe less on a 4.6), and a few ft-lbs of torque. The price for the TRD unit for the 5.7 is over $400. YIKES! However, if you combine the cold air intake with a free-flow exhaust, you may actually notice the difference.


Toyota Truck Club Founder
Staff member
1000 Posts
This goes out to the 4.6l V8 owners. Wifey made me sell the 5.7 Sequoia bc its too big for her to handle in bad weather. We love toyo trucks so we tried the forerunner limited and the power/transmission combo was deflating. In addition I do pull trailers on occasion for ATVing. We bought the Lexus GX460. Drunk with the power of the 5.7 my wife commented about the power.

Has anyone out there tried the cold air intake products on the 4.6. If so does it help or is it just the transmission setup? Don't want to spend 500$ if it makes little difference.
Just checking back in on this.


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